
NEWBRIDGE (SX712708). Between Newbridge and Holne Bridge the Dart makes a large loop just over three miles long which gives this section its common name. It is a good grade 3 at normal winter levels. Numerous natural drops together with some remoteness mean that this section is not suitable for novices. Access at Newbridge is from the car park on the left bank above the bridge. A road follows the river’s left bank for about 1 mile as far as the confluence with the R. Webburn, after which emergency egress should be on the right bank.
The sprint site is located in the Country Park, easy access is available from a footpath river right. The course is fully visible from the bank, and is more suited to novice paddlers at lower water levels.
River levels can be visually estimated based upon a slab upstream of Holne Bridge – river left. If the slab is underwater then it’s a good level!
River Levels: River Gauge
Webcam: https://riverdart.co.uk/kayakers/dartcam/