Because of Covid-19 British Canoeing have reviewed the authorisation procedure and documentation requirements for events in England and for Wildwater Racing this means.
Non Ranking English WWR Races NOT promoted by the WWR Website Event Calendar.
Authorised by Club committee, guided by the appointed club safety officer and Event Covid Officer.
Ranking or Non Ranking English Regional Races promoted by the WWR Website Event Calendar.
Authorised by the WWR committee, Event Covid Officer and if run by a club the club committee, guided by the appointed club safety officer.
Ranking or Non Ranking National Races promoted by the WWR Website Event Calendar.
Authorised by British Canoeing Senior Management Team.
Before being fully authorised, basic provisional details of a race, location, date and ideally a picture of the river can be put on the Event Calendar. Once authorised the rest of the details can be added and if Covid-19 restrictions are still in place at that point the COVID-19 risk assessment would be published.
British Canoeing has guidance documents to help event organisers plan and understand how the current government guidelines will apply to them.
British Canoeing – competitions and events in England
If you wish to organise a Wildwater Racing Race in 2020/2021 please read the BC documents and decide if you can make your event Covid-19 secure or not. If you only want the event to go ahead if Covid-19 restriction have been lifted by the time of the event this can be indicated on the Website Event Calendar.
For a Covid-19 secure event the key steps that should be taken by organisers are:
- Completion of a COVID-19 risk assessment
- Creating an event delivery plan to identify the actions and mitigations that are needed
- Appointing a COVID-19 Officer for the event to oversee the implementation of the delivery plan
Please contact
Wildwater Racing Committee