Wildwater 2023 titles heading to Germany and Czech Republic

The International Canoe Federation has announced it will relocate next year’s ICF Wildwater Canoeing World Championships to Augsburg in Germany, and the ICF Junior and U23 Wildwater Canoeing World Championships to Roudnice and Labem in the Czech Republic.
The ICF had originally planned to hold both championships in Miyi County in China, however ongoing uncertainty over the Covid situation in that country made it difficult to proceed. The Chinese Canoe Federation requested the 2023 event be relocated.
Augsburg hosted the first ICF wildwater canoeing sprint world championships in 2011. The venue also hosted several successful world cups and European Cups the years after. Next year’s competition will run from June 09-11.
It will be the first time The ICF Junior and U23 Wildwater Canoeing World Championships will run from 05th until 8th of July 2023, the first time wildwater canoeing world championships events will be held in Roudnice. Several European Cups were hosted in Roudnice in recent years.
“We are very grateful to the German Canoe Federation and the Czech Canoe Federation for jumping in at such short notice to host next year’s world championships, especially the competition in Roudnice which is a very important event in the development of our young paddlers,” ICF wildwater canoeing committee chair, Manuela Gawehn, said.
“Augsburg and the German Canoe Federation always host top-class events, so I am sure next year’s titles will be exceptional. Of course, we are disappointed we are no longer able to have our competition in China, but we completely understand the circumstances.”
“2023 will be a busy year for wildwater canoeing where mostly all competition will be held between May and July, with hopefully better circumstances with the water levels everywhere.”